Do All Troubled Children Have ADHD?

In this day and age, as soon as a young child starts to exhibit behavioral problems, parents automatically jump to the conclusion their child has ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder. While a common diagnosis, not all troubled children suffer from ADHD. A number of other medical conditions can be the cause of similar symptoms. Other children have adhd child in addition to another disorder or impairment. Here are some examples of other conditions which can lead to similar symptoms in children.

Sensory problems

Hearing of vision impairment can lead to children, especially those who are in school, to have problems focusing on their work. Put yourself in the child’s position. If you cannot see what the teacher is writing on the board or hear a question the teacher asks you, chances are you’re going to get frustrated and act out. Simply getting a child’s eyes and ears tested will eliminate this possibility.


Children with low red blood cell counts will suffer from anemia, which can end up causing low energy and an inability to concentrate. Any adult who has had extensive blood work done can attest to this. When you donate blood, you tend to feel tired the following day. If you suffer from anemia, you are going to have the same problem. While this can cause trouble for a child, it is by no means a form of ADHD and it is something a simple blood test can discover.

Serious medical conditions

Other, more serious medical problems can also create similar symptoms to those associated with ADHD. These problems include diseases of the thyroid as well as seizure disorders. If the brain is suffering from seizures, it is enough to cause odd or different behavior. Problems with the thyroid, which regulates hormones in the body, can create low energy and problems with focusing. Very simple medical tests can be used to determine whether your troubled child has ADHD or another serious condition.


At this point, it should be clear that any number of things can be causing the symptoms in a troubled child. The culprit is not always ADHD. If your child is exhibiting the symptoms associated with ADHD, make an appointment with the pediatrician. Only a doctor is capable or ordering the proper tests and making the correct diagnosis for your child. A troubled child is simply one in need of help, make sure the right help is received.


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