4 Online Study Tips For Online Students

Nowadays, many people are taking online courses either for self improvement or earning a career credential. But not all will become a success online student and complete the online learning program. You need to be able to adapt to the online learning environment and fully utilize the online resources to help in your online CBSE Class 11 Biology study. Here are 4 online study tips for your reference:

Tip #1: Use Wikipedia As Resource For Reference

Wikipedia can be a valuable resource for online students. There are many topics cover in Wikipedia, find the related articles and information to your subject of study. Because of Wikipedia is a public written encyclopedia, you could contribution your portion if there is any information missing. Keep in mind that all information at Wikipedia is user-edited and it may contain errors, you should double check the information before you memorize it or use it as the references in your online study assignments.

Besides adding information in written format, you could help in recording the read out of the content for Spoken Wikipedia Project. The reading in aloud help you to remember better while the recordings help other Wikipedia users in future.

Tip #2: Join The Discussion Forum

A topic may have different views or opinions from different people; hence you could learn what other people think by joining various online discussion forums for the subject you are learning for. Post your questions to find the answers and answer other people questions will help you to understand better while broaden your view about the topic through the discussion. You could even setup your own discussion forum for the subject of your study and invite others to post their opinion and discuss about a certain topics related to the subject from time to time.

Tip #3: Publish Your Reading Note Online

There are many websites that allow you to share your reading notes with others who are interested or taking the same subject of study as you. Among the popular online notes sharing websites are stu.decio.us and JotCloud.com. Posting your notes online will help yourself to verify the subject you have learned because others who have read your notes will inform you if they found any mistake. In additional, the notes that you posted online will help others in their assignment as well.

Tip #4: Create & Broadcast A Podcast

Learning by creating podcast can be fun and it will really help you to understand the subject of study. There are many sites which you can learn how to create your own podcast; it’s not difficult if you are willing to face the challenge by taking action to create your 1st podcast. The podcast can be shared with others through podcast broadcasting sites so that others who are interested with the topic can be benefited from your production as well.


Finding new ways of study help you to keep your learning fresh and you will be able to understand the subject of study better. The above 4 tips can help you get started; but there are many other unique ways which you can use to help in your online study.


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